At 2 km from Temerin and 35 from Novi Sad is Jegrička. What is Jegrička? It is a system of connected ponds whose water eventually flows into the river Tisza and is the dream of every fisherman …
What detached me from the asphalt and brought me to Jegrička? A beautiful June day, the opportunity to ride a boat, calm water and silence.
Actually, I’m lying, I fell for the pirate story. Silence, breeze blowing … I’m not some 30 years ‘old man’. Oops, I actually will be soon, and I still love a good pirate story.
After I completely unnecessarily stumbled along this trail, we reach the starting point of this adventure.
There is also a beautiful walking path that is not accessible to us in a wheelchair, but if you send someone to take a picture, you can see how beautiful it is.
The tour starts from this bridge, which I looked at anxiously until I found that there was no difference in the level of the boat and the dock, so I walked in like a gentleman, which rarely happens. Admittedly, it is not visible in the picture, but there is one rough piece of earth of 50 cm that must be passed in order to stand on the dock. What is the problem with ironing it, it will never be clear to me…
Basically, when I enter some vehicle: a plane, a ship, a car or even escalators I lose my dignity as they board me. Everyone pays attention to the wheelchair while I hang out of them like uncooked macaroni. I concluded a long time ago that it is best to be tied up, but who will listen to that…
And so, when we took care of the boarding I make my first conclusion about this trip. There are no mosquitoes which means the timing was good. When you can’t scratch yourself, it becomes very important information…
A day made for enjoyment, ideal temperature, clear water, breeze… I am here to become Indiana Jones, a treasure hunter on interesting adventures.
I need to see the following:
76 plant species like the floating islands of white water lily and dense reeds.
20 species of fish, dominated by carp, and there are also grass carp, catfish and others.
198 registered bird species, the only black tern nesting ground in Serbia
There is also a rare endangered species of pond turtle, there are also snakes, otters, voles and even bizam rats. Weasel, marten, badger, fox, roe deer and rabbit.
Frogs and other animals should be heard, but the sound of the engine covered everything. Although the catamaran has an engine that emits less gas and pollutes less water, it is not inaudible. I think that all the above-mentioned animals knew that we were coming and that we were harmless. Here I make my second conclusion, we will not see any of this.
Still, I tell myself that bird watching and boating are a real bourgeois experience because I can rarely get on any watercraft. All I need is a butterfly net, a cup of tea and I become an English lord.
We come across an observation post that tells us that it is dynamic here.
We pass through the backwaters only the ranger knows, we are in his hands. God forbid gasoline runs out or the engine breaks down. We don’t even have a catamaran that we could climb to see where we are. I’m working out theories of who we’ll eat first if they never find us while all around us is just water rethinking which way to go.
It would be good if the ranger explained to us what to watch, but they also seem to have given up because it is more important for everyone who comes to take selfies than to absorb the atmosphere. I just needed binoculars, otherwise I was quite present, honest. My father fell asleep and I came to my third conclusion and that is that I like to look at the water.
Maybe I could become the first Robinson Crusoe in a wheelchair. One Friday would come in handy in my current life as well.
There are also piers in some places, which means that there are bathing places here. No one would force me to enter such lively water where a thousand things can jump into your pants.
I wonder what could be made of this much reed. I have to ask Google, here’s my chance to become an entrepreneur.
Maybe a beaver hunter, an Alaska dog hunter, an astronaut, and maybe I could wake up because we’ve reached the end of the ride. We are approaching the pier where the next tour of lively tourists is already waiting. Here I bring the last conclusion, that I almost never daydream like this and that was possible because I was surrounded by incredible nature and atmosphere. Therefore, if you want to move out of the present for at least a moment, spend one morning in Jegrička.
Were you in Jegricka?
Did I miss something?
Traveled and enjoyed,
Marko Veličković